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Facebook is a great way to network with other Constables and to learn more about the Arkansas Constable Association. Join ourĀ group for event sharing and educational resources.
Mandatory Training
American policing is facing a tremendous challenge: a widespread perception that the police are routinely guilty of bias in how they treat minorities. Many states, including Arkansas, have passed legislation addressing racial profiling. In a concise and convenient format, this online course reviews the law related to related to racial profiling and the challenges of addressing it. Specifically, this online course will provide Arkansas Constables with racial profiling training that is mandated in Arkansas Statute 12-12-1404. Starting in June on multiple dates offered by The University of Arkansas Criminal Justice Institute. Visit them at www.cji.edu to register for this important training.
Arkansas Constable Association
To learn more about the Arkansas Constable Association, please contact us! We are happy to serve.